
How To Feel (a bit!) Better When You Just Feel Bad

How To Feel (a bit!) Better When You Just Feel Bad

This is such a hard post to write, because, like many of its kind, they tend to focus on quick remedies as exercise, meditation, and opening up to those feelings, as we just discussed in our last post about suffering and depression. Of course, as we know, yes, they do help, naturally, in the moment...

What Are You REALLY Worth?

What Are You REALLY Worth?

How did you really feel reading the above headline? 

If you're like me, you felt an instant little shot of anxiety. If you didn't, you are allowed to stop reading...;) But, the truth seems to be, that in my experience, most people, especially and unfortunately, women, do not know how to negotiate properly for themselves, and not just in relation to financial interactions: This happens in business, day-to-day work challenges, family and friendship boundary issues, and, really most importantly-with themselves and their own instincts…

Learning How to be "Self" Careful...

Learning How to be "Self" Careful...

I was having a really stressful day this week. I mean, I felt like my adrenals were really going to go up in smoke, or something. I had had a ton of iced tea (my fave caffeinated drink of choice), and I knew I just should have probably: Gone for a yoga class, taken a trip to the gym, walked around the park in my neighborhood, splurged on a massage...But something in me just wanted to continue doing what I was doing. I was working on a new project, even though it was way past my bedtime, and I was getting pretty wiped out...

Weekend Project: Say No Until It's a Hell YES!

Weekend Project: Say No Until It's a Hell YES!

This weekend, I want you to try, as much as you can, to take time off from any dull chores and cleaning that you can out off, unless it's a Hell, YES! I want you to take at least one day to do exactly what you feel like doing: -Want to lie in bed and read all day? Hell YEAH? Then do it? -How about finally going on that solo hike you have been wanting to try? Hell yes!

Getting Out from Under: The Trap of the "Bad Day"

Getting Out from Under: The Trap of the "Bad Day"

Of course, I have to start this post by saying that I am not a therapist. Of any kind. I have been in therapy, in the past, so this post is not meant act as a substitute for that, in ANY way. It's a post for those of us who have just had too many sh*tty days, maybe consecutively, many on-and-off, but enough that you are feeling like "enough is enough..."

What Self Presentation Means To...YOU

What Self Presentation Means To...YOU

There is so much that can be said about this topic, I don't even know where to begin. This post could be titled "Finding Your Personal Style," I guess, or "Clean Out Your Closet for Good!" But, especially for women, the topic of how a person puts themselves together, (or chooses not to)  is one that can cause some considerable debate.  It is politically, emotionally, often ethically charged, when we talk about the provenance and price of our clothing...

How to Stay on Top of the Big Things While Dealing with all of the Little Ones...

How to Stay on Top of the Big Things While Dealing with all of the Little Ones...

It's really hard to focus on a huge project-whether work or creative, while staying on top of your day-to-day. Countless productivity systems have been developed to help us get and stay and keep on track. They are literally almost hundreds of ways and systems that have developed over the past twenty years of chopping up one's time and focus, to try and create real and genuine balance in your life. BUT, that is NOT what this post is about...

Birds of a Feather: On Flying with Your Flock

Birds of a Feather: On Flying with Your Flock

Everyone from the ever-hustling and magnetic Tony Robbins to the most penned out of Buddhists will almost universally agree: You are who you hang out with. But what if this, well, admonition, if you want to be honest, wasn't entirely true? What if the whole of your experience as a person on this earth does not solely have to rely on what you have accomplished, or how much you have "succeeded?" What if the tapestry of your relationships and friendships can form a quilt of a different stripe, if you look it at that way...?

Pre-Game Your Spring Clean this Weekend!

Pre-Game Your Spring Clean this Weekend!

Wherever you may reside, if you did not do a post-Holiday sweep of your home, spring is the time to really renew and refresh your space. But do not fret! If you are stressing about not being able to tackle your entire home, we are going to break down a few things for you that will help you be on your way. Promise!  Hang on to your hat! Here we go...!