Dr. Rick Hanson

How To Feel (a bit!) Better When You Just Feel Bad

How To Feel (a bit!) Better When You Just Feel Bad

This is such a hard post to write, because, like many of its kind, they tend to focus on quick remedies as exercise, meditation, and opening up to those feelings, as we just discussed in our last post about suffering and depression. Of course, as we know, yes, they do help, naturally, in the moment...

The Lighting in Here is Just Fine...You just need to rewire your...BRAIN!

The Lighting in Here is Just Fine...You just need to rewire your...BRAIN!

So, I was running late for a doctors appointment this afternoon, and after a quick jog up to the receptionist's desk, asked to use their rest room. As I was washing my hands, I glanced in the mirror: This was not the same me who had left the house this morning, with fresh make-up and softly brushed hair! NO! I looked all of my (blank number of) years; My hair suddenly looking both dry and stringy! What gives, I asked myself?